1st Grade
Grade One
In Grade One at KCS, students work to enhance their social and emotional skills, as well as increase their knowledge in Reading, Writing, Phonics, Math, Science and Social Studies. All lessons, focused on both academics and social/emotional development are standards-based and follow the most current instructional research.
Our commitment to educating the whole child starts with our focus on Social/Emotional Learning. At KCS we use the Pyramid Model which is a systematic approach to teaching young children social competences as they interact with others. We also use Responsive Classroom, Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS), and daily Purposeful Play sessions to create a sense of community, structured social opportunities, and to reinforce kindness and safety throughout our school. Our social emotional work is also guided by five SEL State Standards which we have reflected through our KCS Habits of Work.
In English Language Arts our young learners are focused on skill development in phonics, reading, and writing as well as acquiring new content knowledge through theme-based units incorporating science and social studies. We use the Amplify; Core Knowledge Language Arts Program which is guided by our Language Arts Priority Standards. (Coming Soon!)
Our Mathematics curriculum is presented through the Illustrative Math Program and the AVMR Math Recovery approach for building developmental math skills and mathematical thinking with young learners. During math, students are engaged in small group centers using manipulatives and activity-based learning. These opportunities are essential in students internalizing the foundation to number sense, sequencing, and grouping which leads to applied math work such as addition, subtraction, and problem solving. As with our SEL and ELA instruction, all work in mathematics is also standards-based. Please take a minute to read our Mathematics Priority Standards. (Coming Soon)